Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill
Sunny Health & Fitness treadmills are fantastic budget treadmills that are a great addition to any home gym. If you are looking for an affordable treadmill that offers the same experience as a high end product then look no further than this Sunny Health & Fitness treadmill.
This Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill features 9 built-in workout programs that will test your speed and stamina, handrail controls, and phone/table holder that will add comfort and accessibility during any workout routine. This well designed treadmill features an easy folding mechanism and soft drop system meaning you can easily pack this treadmill away no matter the size of the room. The soft drop system will assist you when opening the treadmill, avoiding a big slam or damaged to your wood/carpet floor. It features an LCD screen that tracks your speed, time, distance, pulse and calories which makes it easier to track your fitness goals.
The Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill is expertly designed for:
- Maximum performance
- Optimal comfort and ultimate efficiency
- Maximum user weight capacity of 220 LBS
- 2.20 Peak HP drive system
- 15.75in x 48.82in running surface